
God's Small Miracles

NUCCA Chiropractic Care is designed to help restore the body to its proper, God-given function.  Here are some of the experiences from clients at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic...

"I have more energy and don't ache..."
     Beth's daughter, Anna, is how she became a client of Dr. Taylor's. Anna was in marching band and suffering with back pain from lugging a 30-40 lb. drum. She was so much better after several adjustments that Beth thought she should give it a try.
     "With each adjustment, I am better-less aches and pains, less hip pain, the tightness in my lower back is greatly reduced and I have far fewer headaches! My joints feel less sore and I am able to walk without "winding" myself up!"
     Ask Beth how she would rate the care she has received at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic and she will tell you that it is a "10 out of 10! A home run in her book!"



Sue was having difficulty with migraine headaches...

"Dr. Taylor has been a big help with my migraine headaches.  It doesn't happen overnight, but with time.  I don't have the bad headaches I used to have.  Being with Dr. Taylor since 2009 has also helped my lower back, knee, and my problems with indigestion!"


"I'm sleeping better..."
     But that is not why Pam came to Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic. Her original goal was to alleviate her shoulder and hip pain. She had been dealing with this problem for about three months before consulting Dr. Taylor. Within one adjustment, Pam noticed her hip pain had improved. 
     If you asked Pam, she would tell you the overall care she has received at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic has been "top rate."


"My daughter's scoliosis is under control..."
     Lisa brought her daughter, Beth, to Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic for management of her scoliosis. Beth had been diagnosed with scoliosis in early grade school. Surgery was an option that Lisa wanted to avoid.  Since starting as a patient, Beth's scoliosis has reduced and stabililzed to prevent surgery. Lisa and her husband have also since became patients and noticed that not only did Lisa's lower back pain diminish, they all have experienced general better health.  They are all sleeping better and in a better overall mood.
     Lisa describes the care at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic as "absolutely wonderful! Dr. Taylor is always available to talk and to help!"


A scary bout of Vertigo roused Wendy from sleep one night....

"After the first adjustment, the pain and pressure in my neck and shoulders was noticeably decreased.  Over the next few visits the dizziness lessened and I was able to resume normal daily tasks.  My sleep habits and circulation have improved.  I sleep more soundly and I don't fell as cold all the time.  I feel more focused in my thinking and I can concentrate better.

The simplicity of the service at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic has been a breath of fresh air.  There wasn't any waiting to schedule an appointment, no time wasted in the waiting room and no convoluted  paperwork.  The assessment was quick and the course of treatment was easy to understand.  In an age where customer service is sorely lacking, the office staff at Taylor Family Wellness Chiropractic is compassionate, fun AND efficient.

As a person who has paid attention to health and wellness my whole life, Dr. Taylor's methods fit perfectly into my philosophy of healing."


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7:30 am - 12:00 pm


9:30 am - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 1:00 pm


7:30 am - 12:00 pm



7:30 am - 12:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 1:00 pm
7:30 am - 12:00 pm